Waterproofing Sewers and Shafts

2 Levelling the substrate
KÖSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar
3 Surface protection against abrasion and chemicals
KÖSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar

Resistance to mechanical and chemical stresses often plays an important role in sewage pipes and shafts. Surface protection must be able to withstand high and low pH values as well as abrasive wear in order ensure a long service life. For this purpose, KÖSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar was developed. After thorough surface preparation (e.g. by high-pressure water) has led to a stable substrate and efflorescence has been removed, KÖSTER Polysil TG 500 can be applied as a primer. Afterwards, KÖSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar is applied in a layer thickness of 4-30 mm. KÖSTER Sewer and Shaft Mortar is fiber reinforced and develops a high compressive strength as well as excellent chemical resistance. It can be applied below the waterline even under flowing water.



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